I introduce about the web site of Media Joho Kyoiku Center. If you use the internet on a computer in this university, most of them first connect to this site. This is the top page. There is some information. This is "News and Topics". It has new information of this site. And this is "Questionnaire". You can answer the question related to this site or studying English, and check the answers of other students. Scrolling this page, you can find the news about things someone forgot to bring, recently stocked books or DVDs in LTC, and etc. There are also some links. For examples, Gmail, Moodle, ALC Net Academy 2, and Portal System. In addition, you can findmany kinds of information and links which is useful for your school life more comfortable, and make your learning better. Have a good time by using them.
Media Joho Kyoiku Center
Media Joho Kyoiku Center